Those Days, Those Times (13)

It was a hot night, hot enough that one of the regulars grumbled, “Your air conditioner must be broken.” Yamazaki-kun also muttered something about the heat as he came in and parked himself at the counter directly in front of me. Yamazaki was an amateur boxer; he had joined Kyokuto Boxing Gym after me and … Continue reading Those Days, Those Times (13)

Those Days, Those Times (3)

The telephone rang early in the morning. “Are you okay? DAIJOBU-KA? SHINPAI DESU.” It was the day after the Great East Japan Earthquake[1]. I immediately recognized the person speaking halting Japanese as Simon Liu. He was calling from Hong Kong. I hadn’t heard his voice in years. I don’t remember how long ago it was, … Continue reading Those Days, Those Times (3)